Wednesday, 17 June 2009


Thanks to fellow blogger Lorenzo for this slightly more attractive picture of the Darwen Hacking Street.

Now we're motoring!!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009


This one is in Darwen in Lancashire. The map reference is here

Not the prettiest of streets is it? Which is probably why I haven't been there yet!!

When I do ( and it will be in the near future) I am going to show it in a better light and with some pics of me in it as well. Its just a matter of perspective.

Darwen is a town in Lancashire, by the way, and if you want to know more then go here

I don't know a lot about Darwen but I do know that Ghandi once visited there. I don't know if he walked down Hacking Street, would be nice to think that he did though. I suspect he didn't, the sight of that horrible street would surely have tested his passive resistance!

Anyway if you want to know more about the Ghandi visit go here

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


This is Hacking Street in Nelson, Lancashire. Nelson is a smallish former cotton town in the North West of England.

It has a Hacking Street which is of interest, but it's claim to fame with regard to me in any case is its my birthplace. Not Hacking Street exactly but a couple of miles away in Fernlea Nursing Home in April 1960.

I don't think they named the street after me.

Hope not anyway as its very ordinary.

No houses on it, only about 50 yards long and containing a couple of factory type units and some fencing.

As we start on the journey to find streets, roads, avenues, and the like, with Hacking in the name I thought it best to start in my home town.

Things can only get better!!